our vision
Loving God
God created you and he is absolutely crazy about you- you are His top priority. He formed you into the person you are for one reason; to have a relationship with you. So join us each Sunday for a heartfelt expression of worship and an encouraging message which will help you focus on loving God.
Loving Others
Life’s too short to go it alone- We all need each other. Don't get lost in the crowd - Join a Small Group. Rock Small Groups are a group of friends you can share, laugh and serve with; a place where you learn to grow together. Our Small Groups meet weekly at different locations- one of them is bound to fit your personality, stage in life and schedule.
Serving the World
When you check the vital signs of a healthy church, you’ll discover a thriving group of people, serving with passion and enthusiasm. The Rock Church Casa Grande is making an impact throughout our community and around the world because of people like you who are amazing volunteers. Join a serve team and you’ll find the time you invest will offer returns in new friendships, spiritual growth, and personal satisfaction by witnessing the impact you can make throughout our community and world.